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Mac Finder Selected Files

This is actually purely AppleScript, but it's a useful way to get the selected files in Finder in Rust.

I tried to find objc binding for Rust.

FIFinderSyncController is a class in FinderSync framework. It has a method selectedItemURLs which returns the selected items in Finder.

But I couldn't find a way to use this in Rust. let finder_sync_controller = class!(FIFinderSyncController); doesn't work.

Searching for FIFinderSyncController in Rust code on GitHub, I get nothing.

fn get_finder_selected_files() -> Vec<PathBuf> {
let applescript = r#"
tell application "Finder"
set selectedFiles to selection
set filePaths to {}
repeat with aFile in selectedFiles
set end of filePaths to POSIX path of (aFile as alias)
end repeat
return filePaths
end tell

let output = Command::new("osascript")
.expect("Failed to execute command");

if output.status.success() {
let paths_str = str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap_or("");
let paths_str = paths_str.trim();
let paths: Vec<PathBuf> = paths_str
.map(|path| path.trim())
.map(|path| PathBuf::from(path))
} else {

fn main() {
let finder_selected = get_finder_selected_files();
println!("Selected files: {:?}", finder_selected);