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  • Session Replay
    • Console and Network Recording
  • Error Monitoring
    • Get notified of the exceptions across your app before they become problematic.
  • Loggin
    • Search for and set alerts for logs being written throughout your stack.
  • Traces
    • Get performance insights on requests and transactions throughout your web application stack.
  • Self-Hosting
    • This project is open source
    • Interested in self-hosting highlight? Spin up in docker with just a few commands.


  • It's open source and can be self-hosted. There is even a docker image.
  • Still actively maintained as of now (2023-10-31)
  • Detailed integration guide for different languages and frameworks.


It has a free plan with 1,000,000,000 monthly logs, 1,000 monthly erros, 500 monthly sessions.

Seems like a good choice for starting a small project.