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Nuxt Plugins

You can extend Nuxt's functionalities by installing and adding more plugins/libraries or even write your own.


Original Tailwind doesn't work with nuxt3 so far.

Use the plugin nuxt/tailwind defined for nuxt, if officially supports nuxt3.


PrimeVue is a component library for vue 3.

See primevue-quickstart-nuxt3 for a sample project.

  1. Install the lastest primevue packages first
  2. Update the nuxt.config.js
  3. Add a plugins/primvue.js file to import any used components


As Vuex integration is not yet supported in Nuxt3, Pinia is an alternative recommended by the offcial doc.

See Nuxt 3 and Pinia for a tutorial.


  1. buildModules is deprecated in nuxt 3. modules should be used instead
  2. In the tutorial, filtersStore.filtersList returns undefined, use filtersStore.$state.filtersList instead
    1. This is because getter and state are using the same variable name, if the getter's function name is filtersListGetter, then it's possible to be retrieved using filtersStore.filtersListGetter
  3. storeToRefs is a convenient function which turns a store variable into a ref
    1. const { filtersList } = storeToRefs(store);
    2. filtersList can be used directly in template