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680. Valid Palindrome II



class Solution:
Runtime: 7256 ms, faster than 5.01% of Python3 online submissions for Valid Palindrome II.
Memory Usage: 645.7 MB, less than 5.10% of Python3 online submissions for Valid Palindrome II.
quota = 1
def validPalindrome(self, s: str) -> bool:
if len(s) == 0: return True
if s[0] == s[-1]:
return self.validPalindrome(s[1:-1])
elif self.quota == 0:
return False
self.quota -= 1
if s[0] == s[-2] or s[1] == s[-1]:
return self.validPalindrome(s[0:-1]) or self.validPalindrome(s[1:])
return False

Two Pointers

class Solution:
Runtime: 166 ms, faster than 62.31% of Python3 online submissions for Valid Palindrome II.
Memory Usage: 14.6 MB, less than 19.85% of Python3 online submissions for Valid Palindrome II.
def validPalindrome(self, s: str) -> bool:
def checkPalindrome(sub_s: str):
s, e = 0, len(sub_s) - 1
while s < e:
if sub_s[s] != sub_s[e]:
return False
s += 1
e -= 1
return True
start, end = 0, len(s) - 1
while start < end:
if s[start] != s[end]:
return checkPalindrome(s[start + 1:end + 1]) or checkPalindrome(s[start:end])
start += 1
end -= 1
return True